Nel 2017 almeno 4 cliniche italiane praticavano mutilazioni genitali a neonati intersessuali.
Nel 2019 le Nazioni Unite hanno ammonito per la seconda volta l'#Italia per l'assenza di politiche sanitarie che vietino le #mutilazioni #genitali a #neonati #intersessuali che invece sono ancora garantite e pagate dal #SSN!
"Children who are born intersex in Italy, official government answer:
No data is available in this area, as the Italian legislation does not allow for the registration of children at birth as intersex"
“The number of non-urgent, irreversible surgical and other procedures:
Statistics 2015-17 of "Non-urgent hospital discharges for DSD with and without surgical procedures. Age 0-17", with totals:
2015: 1418
2016: 1379
2017: 1252
- Statistics 2015-17 of "Non-urgent hospital discharges for DSD with surgical procedures. Age 0-17", with totals:
2015: 12
2016: 13
2017: 3
- An overview 2015-17 of percentages of "hospital discharges for DSD" with "non-urgent [...] surgical procedures" (out of total "non-urgent [...] discharges for DSD"):
2015: 0.8%
2016: 0.9%
2017: 0.2%“
